• Akademie der Künste / Hanseatenweg / Studio
Unconscionable Maps

mit Ayoung Kim, Evan Roth, Suzanne Treister

Moderiert von Marco Ferrari

  • Panel
Passes only
Unconscionable Maps

Maps are notoriously biased and, sometimes, imprecise. Dependent on a fixed set of coordinates and proportions, they unfold as narratives about landscapes. But each is scaled in directions, skewed in perspectives, limiting what is known and can be navigated.

Unsatisfied with the biases of mapping projections, Ayoung Kim, Evan Roth, and Suzanne Treister have turned to fiction, speculation, mathematics, and visions to revise orientations, moving us in new directions. Through the construction of new imaginaries, they reveal alternative worlds and relations, destabilising centralised and exclusionary representations of terrains and our navigation through them.

Ayoung Kim's participation in the transmediale 2023 is supported by Arts Council Korea.