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Ryan S. Jeffery

What would happen if r/Wallstreetbets found a Bloomberg terminal?

Since 1982, the financial data vendor Bloomberg L.P. has provided real-time financial market data that is only available through an interface known as the Bloomberg Terminal. For an annual fee of $20,000 you can buy and sell financial assets on Bloomberg’s secure proprietary network with 325,000 other subscribers throughout the world. In contrast, since 2012, the user account u/OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR has moderated the subreddit page r/Wallstreetbets. Publically available on Reddit through any computer or smartphone, and for a zero annual fee you can exchange information, financial trading strategies, videos, and memes with 12.9 million other subscribers worldwide. When two systems, subjects, organisations meet and interact, the point where this occurs is the interface.

Ryan S. Jeffery is a filmmaker, moving image artist and writer living in Los Angeles. His work looks at structures, both tangible and intangible, as a way to trace out the contours of political, economic and cultural power that give them shape.