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Uma Breakdown
GIF, 2022
Uma Breakdown, Wizard, Screenshot
textBlock { "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "queer horror, art research, the overwhelming sensations of the above, cybernetics, divination, disaster, Ecriture Femenine, non-binary transgender science fiction, Resident Evil fanfic, Felix Guattari rolling around with animals and laughing, a profound longing for death and/or drugs, game art, ahuman gender betrayal, class war.", "style": [] } +

queer horror, art research, the overwhelming sensations of the above, cybernetics, divination, disaster, Ecriture Femenine, non-binary transgender science fiction, Resident Evil fanfic, Felix Guattari rolling around with animals and laughing, a profound longing for death and/or drugs, game art, ahuman gender betrayal, class war.

Uma Breakdown is an artist and award-winning game designer interested in animals, horror, queer feminist literature, and game design. Everything she makes is about some combination of love, grief, hallucination, and an excess of joy. With Sammy Paloma she makes video games about the divine and occult providence of transfemme existence. She lives in Gateshead, UK.