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Home Invasion: 1966/2004
Graeme Arnfield
film, 36’26’’, 2022
P5301 Graeme Arnfield2
textBlock { "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "A nightmarish essay film on the history of the doorbell, tracing its invention and constant reinventions through 19th century labour struggles, the nascent years of narrative cinema, and contemporary surveillance cultures. Along the way, the film produces a terrifying portrait of the technological ideologies that have shaped our present and the nightmares of the people they emerged from. *Home Invasion: 1966/2002* presents the first of three vignettes that make up the forthcoming feature-length documentary *Home Invasion*. In this short film, Arnfield focuses on the development of Amazon’s *Ring*. Voluntarily installed by its customers, *Ring* now represents the largest surveillance infrastructure in the world.", "style": [] } +

A nightmarish essay film on the history of the doorbell, tracing its invention and constant reinventions through 19th century labour struggles, the nascent years of narrative cinema, and contemporary surveillance cultures. Along the way, the film produces a terrifying portrait of the technological ideologies that have shaped our present and the nightmares of the people they emerged from. Home Invasion: 1966/2002 presents the first of three vignettes that make up the forthcoming feature-length documentary Home Invasion. In this short film, Arnfield focuses on the development of Amazon’s Ring. Voluntarily installed by its customers, Ring now represents the largest surveillance infrastructure in the world.

Graeme Arnfield is an artist filmmaker, and composer living in London. Producing sensory essay films from networked imagery his films use methods of investigative storytelling to explore issues of technology, ecology, and history.