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Teslaism: Economics at the End of the End of the Future
Bahar Noorizadeh
Single-channel video, 30’, 2022
P5308 Bahar Noorizadeh 2
textBlock { "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "*Teslaism* is a 3rd person-racing musical game featuring Elon Musk and his self-driving car/lover and life coach, as they drive towards a shareholder meeting in a post-gamified Berlin landscape. The film takes the newly built Gigafactory in Berlin as a prism to describe the emergence of Teslaism (succeeding Post-Fordism) as an upgrade to the system of production and consumption predicated on advanced storytelling, financial worldbuilding, and imagineering “the look of the future.”", "style": [] } +

Teslaism is a 3rd person-racing musical game featuring Elon Musk and his self-driving car/lover and life coach, as they drive towards a shareholder meeting in a post-gamified Berlin landscape. The film takes the newly built Gigafactory in Berlin as a prism to describe the emergence of Teslaism (succeeding Post-Fordism) as an upgrade to the system of production and consumption predicated on advanced storytelling, financial worldbuilding, and imagineering “the look of the future.”

{ "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "*Teslaism was originally commissioned for Tresor 31: Techno, Berlin, and the Great Freedom.* \n\nSoundtrack: \nConic sections - XOR Gate (brainchild of Gerald Donald, one half of Drexciya and Dopplereffekt) \nHelena Hauff - Humanoid Fruit (Unreleased) \nGRV Tr 4 - TV Victor \n\n*All tracks are courtesy of Tresor Records and the artists.*", "style": [ { "__typename": "styling_Category", "id": "44539", "title": "Body Blocks Styles", "uri": "body-blocks" }, { "__typename": "styling_Category", "id": "60657", "title": "Text small (Body Block)", "uri": "body-blocks/text-small" } ] } +

Teslaism was originally commissioned for Tresor 31: Techno, Berlin, and the Great Freedom.

Conic sections - XOR Gate (brainchild of Gerald Donald, one half of Drexciya and Dopplereffekt)
Helena Hauff - Humanoid Fruit (Unreleased)
GRV Tr 4 - TV Victor

All tracks are courtesy of Tresor Records and the artists.

Bahar Noorizadeh looks at the relationship between art and capitalism. In her practice as an artist, writer and filmmaker, she examines the conflictual and contradictory notions of imagination and speculation as they suffuse one another.