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The installation and opera by Joana Moll is a soundscape that brings to our ear the unrestrained production of anthropogenic mass – the collective weight of the environment built by humans that since 2020 exceeds the total biomass of our planet. \n\nThe collective listening session and introduction to the work held by artist Joana Moll will guide the audience through the installation, challenging the listeners to question ways of sensing the scale of ecosystem transformation. \n\nA libretto of the opera score is available online or for pickup from transmediale warehouse, located in transmediale studio at silent green, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin.", "style": [] } ], "placeOrLocation": [ { "__typename": "place_Category", "id": "86666", "title": "Tempelhofer Feld", "uri": "tempelhofer-feld", "subtitle": null } ], "typeOrFormat": [ { "__typename": "typeAndFormat_Category", "id": "67197", "title": "Event", "uri": "event", "subtitle": null }, { "__typename": "typeAndFormat_Category", "id": "67198", "title": "Activation", "uri": "event/activation", "subtitle": null } ], "tags": [], "relatedProjects": [], "relatedPeople": [ { "members": [ { "title": "Joana Moll", "uri": "people/joana-moll", "typeHandle": "people", "slug": "joana-moll", "__typename": "people_people_Entry" } ], "relationshipType": "participant", "__typename": "relatedPeople_group_BlockType" } ], "relatedPeopleBio": [ { "title": "Joana Moll", "description": "is a Barcelona / Berlin based artist and researcher. Her work critically explores the way techno-capitalist narratives affect the alphabetization of machines, humans and ecosystems. Her main research topics include Internet materiality, surveillance, online tracking, social profiling, and interfaces. Furthermore She is the co-founder of the Critical Interface Politics Research Group at HANGAR [Barcelona] and co-founder of The Institute for the Advancement of Popular Automatisms.", "__typename": "people_people_Entry" } ], "relatedArtworks": [ { "__typename": "artwork_artwork_Entry", "sectionHandle": "artwork", "typeHandle": "artwork", "id": "67512", "title": "A Silent Opera for Anthropogenic Mass", "slug": "a-silent-opera-for-anthropogenic-mass", "uri": "artwork/a-silent-opera-for-anthropogenic-mass", "url": "https://2023.transmediale.de/de/artwork/a-silent-opera-for-anthropogenic-mass", "image": [ { "__typename": "TMAssets_Asset", "id": "73054", "title": "Joana Moll - silent opera", "slug": null, "uri": null, "url": "https://playground-data.transmediale.de/assets/signal-2023-01-13-143318_002.jpeg", "srcset": "https://playground-data.transmediale.de/assets/_400xAUTO_crop_center-center_none/signal-2023-01-13-143318_002.jpeg 400w, https://playground-data.transmediale.de/assets/_800xAUTO_crop_center-center_none/signal-2023-01-13-143318_002.jpeg 800w, https://playground-data.transmediale.de/assets/_1200xAUTO_crop_center-center_none/signal-2023-01-13-143318_002.jpeg 1200w, https://playground-data.transmediale.de/assets/_1600xAUTO_crop_center-center_none/signal-2023-01-13-143318_002.jpeg 1600w", "kind": "image", "imageCaption": null, "credits": "Upper Landing Strip, Tempelhofer Feld, 2023, foto by Joana Moll" } ], "teaser": null, "relatedPeople": [ { "members": [ { "title": "Joana Moll", "__typename": "people_people_Entry" } ], "__typename": "relatedPeople_group_BlockType" } ], "typeOrFormat": [] } ], "relatedEvents": [], "relatedPublications": [], "relatedText": [], "relatedWidgets": [] } +
  • Tempelhofer Feld
A Silent Opera for Anthropogenic Mass — collective listening session with Joana Moll

mit Joana Moll

  • Activation
Free admission
textBlock { "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "Accessible via a web-based app and activated on Tempelhofer Feld’s upper landing strip, *A Silent Opera for Anthropogenic Mass* is a sonic account of the collapse of the Earth’s ecosystem. The installation and opera by Joana Moll is a soundscape that brings to our ear the unrestrained production of anthropogenic mass – the collective weight of the environment built by humans that since 2020 exceeds the total biomass of our planet. \n\nThe collective listening session and introduction to the work held by artist Joana Moll will guide the audience through the installation, challenging the listeners to question ways of sensing the scale of ecosystem transformation. \n\nA libretto of the opera score is available online or for pickup from transmediale warehouse, located in transmediale studio at silent green, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin.", "style": [] } +

Accessible via a web-based app and activated on Tempelhofer Feld’s upper landing strip, A Silent Opera for Anthropogenic Mass is a sonic account of the collapse of the Earth’s ecosystem. The installation and opera by Joana Moll is a soundscape that brings to our ear the unrestrained production of anthropogenic mass – the collective weight of the environment built by humans that since 2020 exceeds the total biomass of our planet.

The collective listening session and introduction to the work held by artist Joana Moll will guide the audience through the installation, challenging the listeners to question ways of sensing the scale of ecosystem transformation.

A libretto of the opera score is available online or for pickup from transmediale warehouse, located in transmediale studio at silent green, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin.

Joana Moll is a Barcelona / Berlin based artist and researcher. Her work critically explores the way techno-capitalist narratives affect the alphabetization of machines, humans and ecosystems. Her main research topics include Internet materiality, surveillance, online tracking, social profiling, and interfaces. Furthermore She is the co-founder of the Critical Interface Politics Research Group at HANGAR [Barcelona] and co-founder of The Institute for the Advancement of Popular Automatisms.
Related Artworks
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