• Akademie der Künste / Hanseatenweg / Studio
How an Image Matters

mit Alaa Mansour, Anthony Downey, Lesia Kulchynska

Moderiert von Zoé Samudzi

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How an Image Matters

Images matter. Made up of imaging technologies and algorithmic processes, their optics and operative logics of capture silently scale between shopping habits, domestic robots, CCTV, drone surveillance, or guided munitions. Aided by AI technologies, images can reorganise what we know, they can propagate what is seen and unseen, and they can cause irreparable harm.

Exploring how images are mobilised to exploit feedback and create realities, Anthony Downey, Alaa Mansour, and Lesia Kulchynska trace their entanglement within broader infrastructures of data capture and analysis. Thinking through their algorithmic apparatus, their fracturing of light and logistical operations, How an image matters question the calculated representations and distributed agency of automated operations.