transmediale x CTM Cooperation Programme
The transmediale 2023 Evening Programme in collaboration with CTM Festival presents four evenings of concerts, music, and performance at Akademie der Künste, Berghain, and radialsystem.
Berghain Säule
2 February, Berghain
transmediale x CTM present Berghain Säule Night featuring a series of live sets between ritualistic noise, post-punk, digital deconstructions, and gabber, each with a unique performative edge that conjures portals to distinct worlds and fictions.
Berghain Säule night is included in both transmediale and CTM Passes as well as the Connect Pass.
Jennifer Walshe and Jon Leidecker
3 and 5 February, Akademie der Künste
A two-night performance by Jennifer Walshe and Jon Leidecker explores the paradoxes of scale in our current socio-economic environment. If the purpose of scale is to ensure costs remain low while growth is maximised, what is the opposite of scale? What could be made possible through unscaling? Walshe and Leidecker’s performance descales and unscales the technological processes at the core of their collaborative practices.
With friendly support by Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung and Culture Ireland.
The evening event is separately ticketed and not included in the transmediale or CTM Festival Passes.
Amnesia Scanner & Freeka Tet
with Team Rolfes
4 and 5 February, Radialsystem
Closing the 2023 transmediale x CTM festivals, the duo Amnesia Scanner will premiere their new work in collaboration with multidisciplinary artist Freeka Tet. The combination of provocative aesthetics from two celebrated artistic projects fuses into an affecting narrative about isolation and survival within today’s collapsing ecosystems and information environments.
Team Rolfes will open the concert with 3-2-1 Rule, a VR-puppeted, motion capture avatar-ed, mixed-reality narrative that will appear in a live stage adaptation.
The evening event is separately ticketed and not included in the transmediale and CTM Festival Passes.