Listening and Whispering
with Nicole L’Huillier
In the third recording session of La Orejona Records, participants will gather around La Orejona’s membrane for a collective Listening and Whispering session. Invited to sit or lie down silently, participants will pay careful attention to the sonic events and vibrational forces around them, all of which will activate La Orejona’s membrane. At the end of the session, participants will be invited into the membrane. Hearing is not a requirement, as participants are invited to perceive with and through vibrational phenomena beyond that which can be heard.
Nicole L’Huillier works with sounds, vibrations, resonances, and multiple transductions to explore more-than-human performativity and agency from micro to cosmic scales; to create membranal and resonant (neo)rituals; and to investigate vibrations and sounds as construction materials for spaces and identity.