The Shredded Hologram Rose
with Rosa Menkman
The Shredded Hologram Rose With Rosa Menkman
Inspired by Fragments of a Hologram Rose, a 1977 science fiction short story by William Gibson, this lecture performance by Rosa Menkman explores the violent stories of standardisation embedded in 3D composite objects. As she peers into the 3D objects’ Delta Axis, Menkman tells a story about scale, perspective, and rendering. Navigating through a repository of layered information about the Holograms provenance, metadata, and other information that are normally invisible, The Shredded Hologram Rose contests the image-making processes that made it.
Rosa Menkman is a artist and researcher. Her work focuses on noise artifacts that result from accidents in both analogue and digital media. These artifacts can offer precious insights into the otherwise obscure alchemy of standardisation and resolution setting.
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