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Antonia Hernández
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Antonia Hernández is a Montréal-based artist and researcher, and a FQRSC postdoctoral fellow at McGill University. Mixing art practice and theoretical investigation, her current research explores the grammar and poetics of governance.

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artist-in-residence 2022

textBlock { "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "Antonia Hernández is part of the two-month residency programme in collaboration with Chile. During the residency, Antonia is working on the project *Water Cybernetics I: (de)Appropriation\nDoctrine* which will be presented in the 2023 festival edition.", "style": [] } +

Antonia Hernández is part of the two-month residency programme in collaboration with Chile. During the residency, Antonia is working on the project Water Cybernetics I: (de)Appropriation Doctrine which will be presented in the 2023 festival edition.

Related Artworks
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