artwork_artwork_Entry { "localized": [ { "language": "en-US", "uri": "artwork/communication", "url": "", "__typename": "artwork_artwork_Entry" }, { "language": "de", "uri": "artwork/communication", "url": "", "__typename": "artwork_artwork_Entry" }, { "language": "de", "uri": "artwork/communication", "url": "", "__typename": "artwork_artwork_Entry" }, { "language": "en", "uri": "artwork/communication", "url": "", "__typename": "artwork_artwork_Entry" }, { "language": "de-DE", "uri": "artwork/communication", "url": "", "__typename": "artwork_artwork_Entry" }, { "language": "de", "uri": "artwork/communication", "url": "", "__typename": "artwork_artwork_Entry" }, { "language": "en", "uri": "artwork/communication", "url": "", "__typename": "artwork_artwork_Entry" } ], "__typename": "artwork_artwork_Entry", "sectionHandle": "artwork", "typeHandle": "artwork", "id": "69230", "title": "Communication", "slug": "communication", "uri": "artwork/communication", "url": "", "teaser": null, "details": "Film, 30’, 2021", "image": [ { "__typename": "TMAssets_Asset", "id": "65342", "title": "Lex Brown Communication video still 7 2021 Courtesy of the artist", "slug": null, "uri": null, "url": "", "srcset": " 400w, 800w, 1200w, 1600w", "kind": "image", "imageCaption": null, "credits": "Lex Brown, Communication, video still, courtesy of the artist" } ], "body": [ { "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "In *Communication*, Lex Brown assumes multiple characters as parodic renderings of the telecommunications company Omnesia and its next residential target for development, New Greater Framingham. \n \nIn homage to *Mystery Science Theater*, this story begins in darkness, where the audience watches a presentation at the planetarium about what happened to the stars – that is, the people of earth. At the head of Omnesia are Aspen Van Der Baas (a gen-something girlboss), Jordie (her tech bro analyst), and Sylvie (an impassive and sentient AI). They use their extensive technological powers to displace the consumer-citizens of New Greater Framingham. Finding their strategies insufficient, they enlist the help of B. Marbels, a fast-talking, ambivalent film director who is tasked with creating plot holes to further manipulate the historical narrative in the minds of New Greater Framingham's citizens, who are being pushed out for the sake of a bigger city skyline. To Omnesia's chagrin, one such consumer-citizen, Marie, discovers the power of her inner voice to interfere with the algorithmic forces of Omnesia. Questioning the way that speculation (as capital) and fiction (as a constructed narrative) work, *Communication* suggests the many ways that we are drawn, cajoled, and coerced into ‘the future’, at the expense of what (and who) exists here and now.", "style": [] } ], "tmEdition": [ { "__typename": "tmEdition_Category", "id": "60647", "title": "transmediale 2023", "uri": "transmediale-2023", "subtitle": "a Model, a Map, a Fiction" } ], "placeOrLocation": [], "artworkYear": "2021", "typeOrFormat": [ { "__typename": "typeAndFormat_Category", "id": "67224", "title": "Artwork", "uri": "artwork", "subtitle": null }, { "__typename": "typeAndFormat_Category", "id": "67225", "title": "film/video", "uri": "artwork/film-video", "subtitle": null } ], "duration": null, "material": null, "country": null, "tags": [], "relatedProjects": [], "relatedPeople": [ { "members": [ { "title": "Lex Brown", "uri": "people/lex-brown", "typeHandle": "people", "slug": "lex-brown", "__typename": "people_people_Entry" } ], "relationshipType": "author", "__typename": "relatedPeople_group_BlockType" } ], "relatedPeopleBio": [ { "title": "Lex Brown", "description": "a visual artist and performer using poetry and science-fiction to create an index for our psychological and emotional experiences as organic beings in a rapidly technologized world.", "__typename": "people_people_Entry" } ], "related": [], "relatedArtworks": [], "relatedEvents": [], "relatedPublications": [], "relatedText": [], "relatedWidgets": [] } +
Lex Brown
Film, 30’, 2021
Lex Brown Communication video still 7 2021 Courtesy of the artist
textBlock { "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "In *Communication*, Lex Brown assumes multiple characters as parodic renderings of the telecommunications company Omnesia and its next residential target for development, New Greater Framingham. \n \nIn homage to *Mystery Science Theater*, this story begins in darkness, where the audience watches a presentation at the planetarium about what happened to the stars – that is, the people of earth. At the head of Omnesia are Aspen Van Der Baas (a gen-something girlboss), Jordie (her tech bro analyst), and Sylvie (an impassive and sentient AI). They use their extensive technological powers to displace the consumer-citizens of New Greater Framingham. Finding their strategies insufficient, they enlist the help of B. Marbels, a fast-talking, ambivalent film director who is tasked with creating plot holes to further manipulate the historical narrative in the minds of New Greater Framingham's citizens, who are being pushed out for the sake of a bigger city skyline. To Omnesia's chagrin, one such consumer-citizen, Marie, discovers the power of her inner voice to interfere with the algorithmic forces of Omnesia. Questioning the way that speculation (as capital) and fiction (as a constructed narrative) work, *Communication* suggests the many ways that we are drawn, cajoled, and coerced into ‘the future’, at the expense of what (and who) exists here and now.", "style": [] } +

In Communication, Lex Brown assumes multiple characters as parodic renderings of the telecommunications company Omnesia and its next residential target for development, New Greater Framingham.

In homage to Mystery Science Theater, this story begins in darkness, where the audience watches a presentation at the planetarium about what happened to the stars – that is, the people of earth. At the head of Omnesia are Aspen Van Der Baas (a gen-something girlboss), Jordie (her tech bro analyst), and Sylvie (an impassive and sentient AI). They use their extensive technological powers to displace the consumer-citizens of New Greater Framingham. Finding their strategies insufficient, they enlist the help of B. Marbels, a fast-talking, ambivalent film director who is tasked with creating plot holes to further manipulate the historical narrative in the minds of New Greater Framingham's citizens, who are being pushed out for the sake of a bigger city skyline. To Omnesia's chagrin, one such consumer-citizen, Marie, discovers the power of her inner voice to interfere with the algorithmic forces of Omnesia. Questioning the way that speculation (as capital) and fiction (as a constructed narrative) work, Communication suggests the many ways that we are drawn, cajoled, and coerced into ‘the future’, at the expense of what (and who) exists here and now.

Lex Brown a visual artist and performer using poetry and science-fiction to create an index for our psychological and emotional experiences as organic beings in a rapidly technologized world.