Vivienne Griffin
Video with research from Cari Hyde-Vaamonde , 12’, 2021-2022
Vivienne Griffin Mercy 2022 2

Mercy is a video work in two parts. The first section presents a text based allegory of a collective unconscious nervous breakdown. This is accompanied by a melancholic folk song that is turned to noise as it’s processed by a generative algorithm. Using a speed reading technique, this first section of Mercy consists of multiple voices that communicate on disparate subjects.

Made with Turing Institute researcher, lawyer, and court advocate Cari Hyde-Vaamonde, the second section of the video uses visual metaphors to describe complex systems in Cari’s research, and explains complex algorithmic systems to non-computer literate users within the legal system. Exploring binaries of on/off, yes/no, 0/1, Mercy searches for emancipatory prompts within technology, machine, and human interaction.

Vivienne Griffin works with digital and traditional media through drawings, video, sound and sculpture. They are a resident at Somerset House Studios, London and are represented by Bureau in NYC.