event_event_Entry { "localized": [ { "language": "de", "uri": "event/blowing-and-breathing", "url": "https://playground-data.transmediale.de/de/event/blowing-and-breathing", "__typename": "event_event_Entry" }, { "language": "en", "uri": "event/blowing-and-breathing", "url": "https://playground-data.transmediale.de/en/event/blowing-and-breathing", "__typename": "event_event_Entry" }, { "language": "en", "uri": "event/blowing-and-breathing", "url": "https://2023.transmediale.de/event/blowing-and-breathing", "__typename": "event_event_Entry" } ], "__typename": "event_event_Entry", "sectionHandle": "event", "typeHandle": "event", "id": "79923", "title": "Blowing and Breathing", "slug": "blowing-and-breathing", "uri": "event/blowing-and-breathing", "url": "https://2023.transmediale.de/de/event/blowing-and-breathing", "tmEdition": [ { "__typename": "tmEdition_Category", "id": "60647", "title": "transmediale 2023", "uri": "transmediale-2023", "subtitle": "a Model, a Map, a Fiction" } ], "eventDates": [ { "startDateAndTime": "2023-02-02T13:00:00+00:00", "endDateAndTime": "2023-02-02T13:30:00+00:00", "__typename": "eventDates_timeRange_BlockType" } ], "teaser": null, "admission": "passesOnly", "body": [ { "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "The second recording session of *La Orejona Records* offers a moment of gathering with a collective activation of the membrane in a cañitas (pan flute) blowing session. Participants will be invited to take a cañita from the body of La Orejona and blow into it, joining the improvised blowing and breathing ensemble. Participation is open to anyone, regardless of musical training or capacity. A demonstration of the cañitas will take place at the beginning of the session. \n\n*In case of cold temperatures, we will offer wine and tea.", "style": [] } ], "placeOrLocation": [ { "__typename": "place_Category", "id": "61904", "title": "Akademie der Künste", "uri": "akademie-der-künste", "subtitle": "AdK" }, { "__typename": "place_Category", "id": "61906", "title": "Hanseatenweg", "uri": "akademie-der-künste/hanseatenweg", "subtitle": null }, { "__typename": "place_Category", "id": "61917", "title": "Bar Upstairs", "uri": "akademie-der-künste/hanseatenweg/bar-upstairs", "subtitle": null } ], "typeOrFormat": [ { "__typename": "typeAndFormat_Category", "id": "67197", "title": "Event", "uri": "event", "subtitle": null }, { "__typename": "typeAndFormat_Category", "id": "67223", "title": "Workshop", "uri": "event/workshop", "subtitle": null } ], "tags": [], "relatedProjects": [], "relatedPeople": [ { "members": [ { "title": "Nicole L’Huillier", "uri": "people/nicole-lhuillier", "typeHandle": "people", "slug": "nicole-lhuillier", "__typename": "people_people_Entry" } ], "relationshipType": "participant", "__typename": "relatedPeople_group_BlockType" } ], "relatedPeopleBio": [ { "title": "Nicole L’Huillier", "description": "works with sounds, vibrations, resonances, and multiple transductions to explore more-than-human performativity and agency from micro to cosmic scales; to create membranal and resonant (neo)rituals; and to investigate vibrations and sounds as construction materials for spaces and identity.", "__typename": "people_people_Entry" } ], "relatedArtworks": [], "relatedEvents": [], "relatedPublications": [], "relatedText": [], "relatedWidgets": [] } +
  • Akademie der Künste / Hanseatenweg / Bar Upstairs
Blowing and Breathing

mit Nicole L’Huillier

  • Workshop
Passes only
textBlock { "__typename": "body_textBlock_BlockType", "text": "The second recording session of *La Orejona Records* offers a moment of gathering with a collective activation of the membrane in a cañitas (pan flute) blowing session. Participants will be invited to take a cañita from the body of La Orejona and blow into it, joining the improvised blowing and breathing ensemble. Participation is open to anyone, regardless of musical training or capacity. A demonstration of the cañitas will take place at the beginning of the session. \n\n*In case of cold temperatures, we will offer wine and tea.", "style": [] } +

The second recording session of La Orejona Records offers a moment of gathering with a collective activation of the membrane in a cañitas (pan flute) blowing session. Participants will be invited to take a cañita from the body of La Orejona and blow into it, joining the improvised blowing and breathing ensemble. Participation is open to anyone, regardless of musical training or capacity. A demonstration of the cañitas will take place at the beginning of the session.

*In case of cold temperatures, we will offer wine and tea.

Nicole L’Huillier works with sounds, vibrations, resonances, and multiple transductions to explore more-than-human performativity and agency from micro to cosmic scales; to create membranal and resonant (neo)rituals; and to investigate vibrations and sounds as construction materials for spaces and identity.