• Akademie der Künste / Hanseatenweg / Studio
The Higher The Risk

with 업체eobchae, Nina Davies, Ryan S. Jeffery

  • Screening
Passes only

Broken promises, unfulfilled desires, financial opportunities, high risk, high reward. Exploring the limits of speculative financial possibilities Ryan S. Jeffery, 업체eobchae, and Nina Davies examine the impact, risk, and cost of scaling microeconomic transactions up.

업체eobchae is an audiovisual production unit that manufactures and deals with commodities or services with an unconstrained critical viewpoint, and consists of Nahee Kim, Cheonseok Oh, and Hwi Hwang. 업체eobchae wanders between computing equipment and screens of various sizes, striving to fully complete the commission as inscribed in a contract.
Nina Davies is a Canadian-British artist who considers the present moment through observing dance in popular culture; how it's disseminated, circulated, made, and consumed.
Ryan S. Jeffery is a filmmaker, moving image artist and writer living in Los Angeles. His work looks at structures, both tangible and intangible, as a way to trace out the contours of political, economic and cultural power that give them shape.
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